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                               2018年 4月 巻頭文


 先日聴講した、中央大学大学院 戦略経営研究科の中島豊教授の講演の一部をご紹介します。


***Work Life Balance


              株式会社フューチャーフロンティアーズ 代表取締役 橋本恵理
                       株式会社ファミーラ 代表取締役 橋本恵理

Now and the future of "How to work"
- Column ~ Our thoughts ~
April 2018 Preface
"Working way reform" Recent times of today.
It seems to be trial and error focusing each company group's wisdom.
Time and space that can not be reduced by all means. What you can not do without people.ou can say that what you have evolved by feeling the change of the times will be the winner.
Professor Yutaka Nakajima of the Chuo University Graduate School of Strategic Management attended the other day
I will introduce a part of the lecture.
"Today, 25% of the work that exists when a child in elementary school becomes an adult"
A new job is born, and the current job is gone.
It was so, but it seems that the influence of AI is great.
Singularity let me write in the column of January.
"For domestic jobs, 49% of the working population could be replaced by AI and robots within 20 years" when calculating the probability of automation (Nomura Research Institute 2015).
The work replaced by AI
① Those that do not need creativity,
② Something unnecessary for social intelligence,
③ Things that can be handled without requiring adaptive response and manual..
How will "how to work" in the near future change?
According to the degree of difficulty of work, the teacher says it will be bipolarized.
In other words, "intellectual / creative labor" and now the employment needs are still wider "Physical / emotional labor", IT and globalization, work in time,
That is, the work that can be systematized is relocated overseas
It is taking over by AI.
Next, physical and emotional labor will replace robots, foreigners.
How to shift from physical / emotional labor to intellectual / creative labor
The role of administration is "creation of opportunity for learning (fixing)", the role of enterprise
"Creating a challenging job", which will innovate
I will say that it is necessary for Japan to do something to happen.
A free idea arising from the guarantee of freedom, an environment where you can challenge without caution to have creativity
I will foster it.
It was a moment when I wanted to grow eggs of innovation talent, I felt it again. .
***Work Life Balance
We were certified as "Shinjuku-ku Work Life Balance Promotion Company" at the end of last year.
"Child-rearing support" "Creating a comfortable workplace" "Supporting regional activities" "Support for nursing care"
Although we are acquiring in the former two fields, we will continue to challenge the latter two fields.
Last month, we got the first childcare leave of our male staff.
Children's smile is the smile of teachers.
I would like to continue to rotate the PDCA of "Working way" and grow.
Eri Hashimoto, Representative Director, Future Frontiers, Inc.
Eri Hashimoto, Representative Director Famiglia Inc.
4月1日の花言葉 :「恋占い」「真実の愛」「信頼」
Flower language of April 1: "love fortune telling" "love of truth" "trust"
誕生花 : マーガレット:Marguerite
      「secret love(秘密の恋)」「faith(信頼)」「true love(真実の愛)」
Birth flower: Margaret: Marguerite
"Secret love (secret love)"
"Faith (trust)"
"True love(love of truth)"

Origin of flower language 
The flower language of 'love fortune' is Margaret
"I like you, I hate it, I like it, I hate it ..." and one petal at a time
To be used as a flower of fortune-telling, fortune-telling while scattering
See you.
It is said that Margaret was a flower dedicated to Artemis, a guardian goddess of a Greek mythology, that flower language of "love of truth" was attached as the best happiness for women seeking. 

