2018年度 新年度会(2018 new year meeting)
Saturday, April 14, 2018: sancha-sharenade hall (Setagaya district hall annex)
時間 :17:30~20:30
Time: 17:30 to 20:30
株式会社 フューチャーフロンティアーズ(Future Frontiers Inc.)
株式会社 ファミーラ(Famiglia Inc.)
株式会社 ウェルステート(Wellstate Inc)
メデュケアーバンビーノ・メデュケアーアフタースクール・東京都認証保育所6園・企業主導型保育所の職員 総勢120名ほどが一同に集まり 新入社員の歓迎も含め 新年度会が行われました。
The above three company's main guests,headquarters staff,Waseda Frontier Kids,Waseda Frontier Kids Club,Meducare Bambino Nursery,Meducare After School,
6 Tokyo Metropolitan Certified Nursery School and Company-led nursery school,
A total of 120 staff gathered together and a new annual meeting was held including
welcoming new employees
First of all, present the work and performance report of the last fiscal year and the ambition of this year and the vision of the future from the representative etc
There is a story while explaining by slide showing.
Toast with everyone
Self-training report (domestic and overseas) and
reports from male employees who acquired the first childcare leave
Meals and conversations
ゲーム等 園対抗&ランダムチーム対抗でクイズなどのゲームを楽しみました。
We enjoyed games such as quizzes against game each school team & random team competitors
In the peaceful atmosphere, took a memorial photo at the end, and the meeting was successfully completed with a greeting by the representative and one after the other.https://bit.ly/2HTfK3z